March 28, 2007

Dueling headlines

  • McCaffrey paints gloomy picture of Iraq
    'An influential retired Army general released a dire assessment of the situation in Iraq, based on a recent round of meetings there with Gen. David Petraeus and 16 other senior US commanders.'

  • Lieberman squeals like the Preznit's love-pig over Iraq "progress"
    "It is clear that for the first time in a long time, there is reason for cautious optimism about Iraq."

  • McCain living in a fantasy land, says CNN's man on the ground in Iraq
    CNN reporter Michael Ware:
    "Well, I’d certainly like to bring Sen. McCain up to speed if he ever gives me the opportunity. And if I have any difficulty hearing you right now Wolf, that’s because of the helicopters circling overhead and the gun battle that is blazing away just a few blocks down the road. Is Baghdad any safer? Sectarian violence, one particular type of violence, is down. But none of the American generals here on the ground have anything like Sen. McCain’s confidence. I mean, Sen. McCain’s credibility now on Iraq, which has been so solid to this point, is now being left out hanging to dry. To suggest that there’s any neighborhood in this city where an American can walk freely is beyond ludicrous. I’d love Sen. McCain to tell me where that neighborhood is and he and I can go for a stroll.

    "And to think that Gen. David Petraeus travels this city in an unarmed humvee? I mean, in the hour since Sen. McCain’s said this, I’ve spoken to military sources and there was laughter down the line. I mean, certainly the general travels in a humvee. There’s multiple humvees around it, heavily armed. There’s attack helicopters, predator drones, sniper teams, all sorts of layers of protection. So, no, Sen. McCain is way off base on this one."
  • Meanwhile, for the latest in car bombings, rocket attacks, sectarian violence and rampaging police going on killing sprees, check out blogtopia. Because Fox and CNN are probably still covering either Anna Nicole Smith or Jim Webb's gun-toting aide.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    For those of you who might believe farang is too harsh on the Democrats, I remind you who they placed to be second in command on the ballot in 2004?

    If something should have happened to Gore, do you think Lieberman would be pursuing a war in Iraq right now?

    I do.

    Enough said.