April 9, 2007

Bringin' honor an' integritude back to DC
The WH knew all about the DHS nominee's ethically-challenged scumbaggery, but because he was a loyal Bushie, a savior of September 11th an' a BFF of the pwesident, it just didn't matter.

Red flags about Bernard Kerik's checkered past were brushed aside by the White House in 2004 so that Bush could make a political splash by pissing all over the American public nominating the 9/11 heroto be the next Homeland Security chief, according to a new report.

Despite Kerik's "bald-faced" lies to investigators, vetters uncovered shady financial deals, an ethics violation and ties to a reputed mob family -- yet pushed Kerik ahead, only to watch as his nomination collapsed, the Washington Post reports.

Federal prosecutors have told the former New York City police commissioner that he will likely be charged with several felonies, including lying to White House.
F*cked fact: lying to the WH is a crime, the WH lying to you is not, evidently.

Fun fact: not only is fellow "9/11 hero" Rudy G's prints all over this one, so is the nation's top law enforcement official, Alberto Gonzales's. Oh, and Karl Rove's.

"September 11th? Cool!"


Annie said...

mobsters all

Anonymous said...

Tell farang again how Rudy G. was able to forecast (on official NYPD radio recording, broadcast on 9/11/01) that WTC 7 "coming down" in the afternoon of 9/11/01, when NO PLANE hit it? 47 stories, collapsing JUST LIKE a controlled demolition. Never happened anywhere before, or since. NEVER.

But Rudy KNEW. He should give seances, yeah? Read palms too, cumgums?

farang KNOWS what happened, do you?

Or don't you fucking CARE that 3000 Americans were MURDERED??? That our country was mislead intentionally into war because of this INSIDER CRIME???? That our Constitution is UNDER attack by the VERY SAME criminals?????

Tell farang again what EXACTLY in that building could burn SO HOT it could cause concrete to powderize, and make U.L Certified steel to weaken without cause. Underwriter's Laboratory. Certified to withstand temperatures ONE THOUSAND DEGREES HOTTER than this fire could ever become. For days and days without failure.

Yet on 9/11/01, these "ragheads" that hit OTHER BUILDINGS also made WTC 7 collapse?? How?? FUCKING HOW, PEOPLE?????

Tell farang again why the fucking SPRINKLER SYSTEM wasn't WORKING THAT DAY in WTC 7. Because, ya see, the NYFD goes around TESTING EXACTLY that type of stuff, and you better have it operational, or face BIG FINES. Every year.

You DID KNOW THAT, but you forgot, didn't you???

So, WHERE were the FUCKING SPRINKLERS that day?????


Anonymous said...

Q: "So, where were the fucking sprinklers that day""

A: With the NORAD Air Defense Jets that never showed up for over 1.5 hours while 4 hijacked planes flew around THE MOST SECURE AIR SPACE IN THE WORLD without interference.

That's where.
