April 23, 2007

Bush White House crumbling
Misadministration "awash in scandals," spilt choklit milk from the Oval Office

Campaigning in 2000, George Dumbyass Bush would repeatedly raise his right hand as if taking an oath and vow to "restore honor and integrity" to the White House. He also pledged to usher in a new era of bipartisanship.
He flat-out lied about both.

Here's a quiz: what do Scooter Libby, Alberto Gonzales, Paul Wolfowitz, Steven Griles, David Safavian, Lurita Doan, Matteo Fontana, Julie MacDonald, Philip Cooney, Darleen Druyun, Claude Allen, Karl Rove, Michael Brown, and Don Rumsfeld have in common? Well if you're a freetard, they're all fantastic public servants doin' a heckuva job, being demonized by the lieberal media.

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