April 4, 2007

Editorial: Bush is a dickhead living in some sort of weird fantasyland
Awol McStupid's comments were an insulting attack not only on his former aide, but on the troops and their families.

President Bush and his advisers have made a lot of ridiculous charges about critics of the war in Iraq: they’re unpatriotic, they want the terrorists to win, they don’t support the troops, to cite just a few. But none of these seem quite as absurd as President Bush’s latest suggestion, that critics of the war whose children are at risk are too “emotional” to see things clearly...

Mr. Bush’s comments about [Matthew] Dowd are a reflection of the otherworldliness that permeates his public appearances these days. Mr. Bush seems increasingly isolated, clinging to a fantasy version of Iraq that is more and more disconnected from reality. He gives a frightening impression that he has never heard any voice from any quarter that gave him pause, much less led him to rethink a position.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it remind you of the show trials in the USSR in years gone by.

If you were on trial as a dissident and wouldn't agree with the communist system, the problem was obviously psychological.

This mental affliction meant you were sent to a high security psychiatric institution until you were 'cured'.

Let us reprogram you Comrade Maru, after all, we're only here to help.
Please repeat after me...

Bush is good and is glorious leader.
Cheney is sexy beast and is in my dreams.
Rove is genius and can bust a move.
War for oil is good.
God is a Republican.

OK, OK, lets try that again, and this time without the laughing ;)
I can see this is going to take a while...

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we send the twins to Iraq, George could get some "connection" going with the reality of all those over-emotional sorts?