April 8, 2007

Joe Klein gets spanked by his readers on impeachment
"Impeachment was cheapened by Republicans in the last administration; it shouldn't be cheapened by Democrats in this one." - longtime Bush rump swab Joe Klein, in his recent Time mag column. :: blowjob! blowjob! ::

"What an utterly asinine argument -- because the Republicans impeached one president for getting hummers from a chubby intern, Democrats can't impeach a Republican president for (among many other things) misleading the country into war, shredding the Constitution and openly flouting the laws of this country.

"You say there are no 'high crimes' here? I'll give you two right off the bat..."
--More here.


Anonymous said...

Here's two oldies, but goodies:

Election Fraud 2000
Election Fraud in a time of 'war' 2004

Rhode Island Rules said...

Thank goodness for people calling it as it is. But to think it will have any effect on people who feel no shame...Sadly, it will not. They are the ultimate lizard brains, survival (economic over everything) at all costs. They have no inner compass, no morals, no real conviction - they blow whichever way the wind does.

Sorry, I'd rather be poor and principled than rich and vacant.