April 22, 2007

Newt Gingrich was for armed students before he was against it.

In his best John McCain imitation, disgraced former House Speaker, FOX "News" analyst and potential GOP presidential asshat Newt Gingrich went on ABC's This Week this morning to talk about the Virginia Tech massacre. Gingrich, like many far-Reich-Wing conservatives nut jobs, suggested that the solution to massacres like Virginia Tech is to have all the students and their teachers packing heat.

But then, oddly, and very McCain like, Gingrich does a flip flop and says it would be okay for schools to make themselves gun-free zones.
Fun Factoid: Of all the Gun Deaths in the top 26 developed Nations, 83% of all those gun deaths are in the USA.

My position on that issue is whatever sounds good to you.

Posted by: THE Undeniable Liberal


Anonymous said...

You are telling me that 100 people are murdered with handguns in US every day? I don't believe that, link please.

And last time I looked, certain drugs were illegal.

Alcohol was made illegal, look how well that turned out for us. See anyone smoking pot?

If I want to shoot you, making a gun illegal just means I have to spend more for the weapon I use to kill you, and that's all. Or I club your ass with my Louisville Slugger.

Look, I personally know what it means to have a family member shot to death, ok?

He would not have said "make guns illegal" he would have said "fry the fucker."

Undeniable Liberal said...

Forgot the link and deleted that fact. Wow! Tough room.

Anonymous said...

Farang -
Nobody is saying that better gun control (or even an outright ban) would stop ALL killings, but it sure as hell would stop most of these massacres and many of the 'impulse' killings. It's a damned sight easier and more efficient to kill somebody with a gun from 10 ft, 20 ft, 50 ft even 50 yards -- and you can even do it accidentally! I'd rather have someone who's trying to kill me have to get within arm's reach of me AND have to do something very physical, than have him/her hide behind some tree or house and plug me.
If you want to see NUMEROUS statistics (ie; like the fact that "guns kept in the home for self-protection are 43 times more likely to kill a family member, friend or acquaintance than to kill an intruder, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine") and comparisons with other countries (whose REAL number AND RATES of murder are WAY less than ours) spend some time on the following websites: http://www.gunguys.com/index.php and http://www.bradycampaign.org/