April 14, 2007

(New stuff below)

Oh please oh please oh please...
NPR blows US Attorneys story wide open -- and it has Karl's greasy fingerprints all over it.

NPR now has new information about that plan. According to someone who's had conversations with White House officials, the plan to fire all 93 U.S. attorneys originated with political adviser Karl Rove. It was seen as a way to get political cover for firing the small number of U.S. attorneys the White House actually wanted to get rid of. Documents show the plan was eventually dismissed as impractical.

In a letter Thursday, White House Counsel Fred Fielding told Congress he won't budge from his original offer — to let Congress interview White House staffers privately, with no oath or transcript.

Sources tell NPR that Fielding actually wants to negotiate with Congress about how the interviews will take place. But Fielding has not been able to persuade President Bush to go along.
dKossack smintheus adds "That suggests that Fielding at least is beginning to feel desperate. And well he should." Mwaaaaaaa!


Peacechick Mary said...

I love that photoshop of Rove. I dream of it becoming reality.

Anonymous said...

I'm under the impression that this investigation is boosted by Abramoff singing away.

Something about how Fitzgerald has Abramoff emails from a certain White House advisor, that said certain advisor told Fitzgerald didn't exist, as in deleted to Obstruct.


It's wunnerful thing.

Ummm, wasn't there something about these neonitwits labeling Patrick as incompetent to include him in the AttorneyGate purge??

Hmmm, I don't think I'd want to see how he responded to that, if I was the Genius Turdblossom. Imagine, your man Abu Gonesalez is going to match wits with Fitzgerald?? Keep him under control? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Isn't that a fucking disgusting name? Turdblossom. Shows where Bush's mind resides.....