April 18, 2007

Tell us another one, you lying sack of shit
An op-ed by Senator Carl Levin blasts the Vice President:

To paraphrase President Reagan, there he goes again.

It is incredible that more than four years after the invasion, the vice president is still trying to convince the public that Saddam Hussein's regime was connected to al-Qaida and that al-Zarqawi's presence in Iraq was evidence of a connection...

"I've got loads of credibility. At least this much. Now go f*ck yourself."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Dems HAVE to keep Cheney in the spotlight! He just oozes sleaze and spiritual ugliness, which is why his public approval ratings are lower than even "W"s, AND it's even ethically valid to keep attacking him because he's the hand in the puppet that is "W" (not like when the right-wing squawk-radio was incessantly attacking Hillary when she was first lady)! He's got a lot of crap to pay for - - keep him front & center. "W" can (unfortunately) get by playing(?) that dumb, 'aw-shucks' routine, but Cheney is too much of an "A" type personality to keep his angry mouth shut. Maybe we SHOULDN'T 'impeach Cheney first' -- let him keep tainting the Reboob Party by his presence.