April 17, 2007

Thompson: hey, some of my best friends are Jews!
Republican presidential longshot Tommy "the other" Thompson told a Jewish group Monday that earning money is "part of the Jewish tradition," and "something that he applauded." I mean, Hebes are good for stuff like that! At least they aren't lazy like them Mexicans!

Speaking to an audience at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington D.C., Thompson said that, "I'm in the private sector and for the first time in my life I'm earning money. You know that's sort of part of the Jewish tradition and I do not find anything wrong with that."
"That whole circumcision thing, though? Creeps me out."


Anonymous said...

Yes, it's different with Christians. They don't earn money. They inherit it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Thompson is another goofy product of our state of Wisconsin -- not quite as bad as Justice Rhenquist was and a far cry from the infamous Sen.Joe McCarthy -- more like another clown governor we had in the 70's (Lee Dreyfus) who wore a red vest to get the cheeseheads' attention here (they probably were reminded of their hunting vest and voted for him on that basis). Thompson somehow thinks that his popularity here in WI translates into something more nationally -- even after he had a lackluster term in HEW under "W". Ah, self-delusion is tragic, but funny to watch some of these shitheads flameout and crash!

Anonymous said...

No, Susan: They steal it and pass it around to their super wealthy make-believe pious Christian cronies in the form of "Tax Cuts." With a complicit/compliant corporate msm assisting in the sleight of hand to scam the masses.

The whole religion thing creeps me out, at least, the religions springing from the Judeo/Christian/Islamic roots. Which were inherited/stolen/modified from the Babylonian, Sumerian and Egyptian myths.

Imagine if America was ever to have it's government infested with the likes of Pat Robertson's "Law School" grads in positions of authority....ooops. 150 of them in the Bush Administration you say?

And that doesn't even start to address the Religious based Lobbying Organizations, does it? Domestic and Foreign. Awful influence on America. Dreadfully unconstitutional, this funding of religious based programs. Brainwashing with our tax dollars.

Buddhists seem happy and unaggressive to me. More concerned about whether Buddha got fed and flowered and taken care of, then about anything else religious.

I'd suggest there's more than a few Christians, Jews and Muslims that could take a cue.

Weasel said...

Tommy makes me so proud to be a Wisconsinite. I'm gonna go throw up now. =/