April 11, 2007


Republican leaders across the country say they are growing increasingly anxious about their party’s chances of holding the White House, citing public dissatisfaction with [Retard McJebus], the political fallout from the war in Iraq and the problems their leading presidential candidates are having generating enthusiasm among conservative voters.

In interviews on Tuesday, the Republicans said they were concerned about signs of despondency among party members and fund-raisers, reflected in polls and the Democratic fund-raising advantage in the first quarter of the year.
Many party leaders expressed worry that the party’s presidential race faced a tough haul as so many candidates are starting to drop like flies.

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Scorpio said...

Wonderful graphic.

Peacechick Mary said...

May they sink in the muck and mire of their war and never ever darken our lives again.

Anonymous said...

I know Imus is all the rage in the noose circles right now, but why aren't they getting their freak on about a "almost" candidate like they did with Mrs. Edwards. Our MSM is just pathetic. Sick of it. Even Katie Couric is pathetic. She can't write a small piece for her stoopid blog without plagerizin. Remarkable.