April 12, 2007

Yeah, that's right. You've discovered our nefarious plot. Now we'll have to kill you
Mattress-soiling cumbubble Neal Boor-tz has another meltdown after using tin-foil beanie to wrap burrito.

Liberals see this whole Imus situation as a way to rid themselves of the problem of talk radio. Now that they've succeeded in getting MSNBC to pull Imus' program, they'll concentrate on CBS .. trying to get the radio show cancelled. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they succeed. Then they will turn their attention to the rest of us. The tape recorders will be running. There is not one single significant right-of-center radio talk show out there that is not going to come under fire.
Keep telling yourself that, you sad, demented a-hole.


Anonymous said...

That's right, we're after you, buddy because Repukes AREN'T FUNNY. We know you're all racist assholes but when you try to pass yourselves off as comedians, well...

I want Glen Beck out next...he is the biggest tool on the planet. And he has stupid hair.

--mf said...

Maru... An asshole looks like this: *



Anonymous said...

Oh boo-fucking-hoo to these right wing racist assholes who try to play the aggrieved party after their incessant drivel catches up with them once in a blue moon. They're the same shitheads who -- after using the Fairness Doctrine to get their rightie views some exposure and duping enough people to vote too many of them into power -- promptly rescinded the Fairness Doctrine and put political hacks in charge of the FCC (of course they do that with ALL government agencies, so that part is not unusual). They're always the ones who fight whistleblower laws -- where people bravely reveal an employer who's harming society and subsequently get fired. But one of their dip-shit brethern get called out -- and THEIR corporate owners finally fire somebody who normally shows NO sympathy for anyone else -- and all of a sudden it's an international human rights violation.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing more hate speaking radio hosts fired. Boortz comment is a tacit admission that they all use hate speech on their shows.


Anonymous said...

I say let 'em yap. Like digging faster to try to escape a hole.

Fer instance: Letting Neal label those that protested against Imus as "Liberals" might backfire. How?

Well, looked to me like mostly African-Americans protested. Seems to me a LOT of the US military is composed of African-Americans. Mostly looking for a good education and income, my take.

But, if the Boortz's of the US associate African-Americans with Liberals, then perhaps African-Americans start (as well they should) associating themselves with Liberal attitudes and morals, ethics, and quit joining the Fascist War Machine.

Well, that's farang's spin on it, anyway. On the other hand, a punch to the face of Neil would gratify and satisfy.

Let 'em talk, it's the best way to know who your enemies are.