May 7, 2007

Ah Values Human Lifes

Pretzelnitwit Chimptard is threatening to whip out his big, manly veto crayon to once again demonstrate how much he values a clump of cells human life.

Mr. Bush said his veto threat would apply to any measures that “allow taxpayer dollars to be used for the destruction of human life.”
Sadly ironic, doncha think, that The War Preznit The Decider The Commander Guy doesnt value the lives of our sons and daughters as much as aforementioned clumps of cells as the taxpayer dollars allow the surgin' to surge on:

The U.S. military announced the deaths of 11 U.S. soldiers killed in combat along with an embedded journalist Sunday, and Iraqi officials said 163 civilians were killed or injured across the country....In one mini-bus, a mother and her two daughters were dead, the children still clutching their teddy bears.
If taxpayer dollars shouldn't be used for the destruction of human life, then shouldn't he veto the occupation? Oh, yeah, War is Peace, Duh!

Ahm a postery child for pro choice!



divageek said...

These asshats are pro-birth, not pro -life. Once born, if the child is poor, they could give a rat's ass whether he/she gets the things needed to be healthy, educated, happy, and productive.

Then again, if you're hopeless, maybe you'll volunteer to be cannon fodder in someone's personal war.


Undeniable Liberal said...

It's hard to see it any other way geeky one.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and it goes double if you're brown or black.

Anonymous said...

From the photo, it is obvious the danger of talking out your ass: it creates a suction that pulls your neck into your chest cavity.