May 6, 2007

The Broderella bounce
Presidunce Bush, poised for a political comeback, is regaining his footing by doing the unexpected: going in reverse!!

Commander von Bunnypants' approval rating has fallen to 28 percent in a Newsweek poll released on Saturday, an all-time low for the miserable little fuckwit in that survey.

Nearly two out of three Americans -- 62 percent! -- are troop-hatin' emeny-enablers who believe Awol McGameBoy's recent actions in Iraq show he is "stubborn and unwilling to admit his mistakes," Newsweek reported.
Why do either of these two nimrods still have jobs?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, Cheney's numbers must REALLY be in the toilet, cause he seems to trail W by 10 or 15 points most of the time!

And 'W(ho)TF' is Broder's target audience? From what little I can stomach of his writing, it seems like he's not vile enough to appeal to Neo-cons, but he usually seems to be trying to split-the-difference and say something positive about the demons that are the Repukes!