May 2, 2007

I Can Still Smell the Stench of Sulphur.
Hugo Chavez is taking full control of his oil reserves, and is cutting ties to the World Bank and the IMF as well.

President Hugo Chavez's government will take control Tuesday of what might be the world's richest oil fields, a huge swath known as the Orinoco Belt that Big Oil has spent a decade and nearly $20 billion developing.
In the past two years, Venezuela, like energy-rich countries from Russia to Bolivia, has exerted increasing control over its oil. But now, Chavez's administration will take its biggest leap yet, with the state oil company assuming a 60 percent stake in four projects previously run by multinationals, including ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips and Chevron.
First he accurately compared Pretzelnut Chimptard to the devil while saying he left the "Stench of Sulphur" at the U.N. and now this. Chavez obviously doesn't realize the the oil doesn't belong to Venezuela, it's ours. Soon, the Reich Wing shrill machine will be spewing cough*Fox "News*cough some bad and scary shit about Mr. Chavez.
One of the oil companies upset by the Orinoco takeover is Chevron. Here's a fun fact that Fox "News" won't mention: Our secretary of state, Incompetentleeza Rice, was on the board of directors at Chevron and had a tanker named after her.

Is it time to invade yet? If Chavez calls her a nappy headed ho, yes.

Undeniable Liberal


Anonymous said...

If the chimp had his way we would've invaded them after 911. Chimpy already broke the military so, now he can't go invadin' for oil without the necessary "tonkin incident".

Undeniable Liberal said...

Well I assume the "tonkin incident" would already be in the plans.
Big surprise, New enemy.

Anonymous said...

"New Enemy"?

Anyone paying attention in mid-2001 would have noticed we sent military "advisors" to Venezuela, then a "spontaneous" overthrow of Chavez occurred. For a day or two, until the masses put him back in power.

All the while the corporate-owned US msm media trumpeted how the PEOPLE were TIRED of Chavez already.

"Soon, the Reich Wing shrill machine will be spewing cough*Fox News*cough some bad and scary shit about Mr. Chavez.

Um, you don't read Cursor, do you? If you had, you would have caught the mention of that OTHER Reich Wing shrill machine labeling Chavez a "Commie" and "Dangerous."

Which one?

The Wall Street Journal.

If you want to feel sickened with disbelief, just peruse a WSJ editorial page sometimes.

"Both by definition and practice, The Laws of Media deny Commercial News any sort of a neutral or unbiased role."

Professor Marshal McLuhan

That is, again, "any sort". Nada. Zip.

"Oh go on, you tin foil hatter farang, get lost"

Gee, I love how DKos is considered "credible", while Wayne Madsen, who preached about the prostitution ring in D.C. for the last two years is mocked.

He is real, a real former NSA tech. Kos was a Repuke. Is? Not certain by reading his blog.

Is it because he isn't as cute as Kos????

He's my hero: He loathes Wonkette.

And, he called foul in the Ohio election results in 2004, while being mocked by Keith Olbermann, who said ON NATIONAL TELEVISION that if Wayne he had proof of these Ohio shenanigans, he would carry him on his back to pick up his Pulitzer Prize. "There has to be a fact hiding in Wayne's story somewhere."

Ah gee, Keith, there is proof. As in convictions. At times, you almost seem normal.

Like Wayne says: "Gitty- up, horsey"!!!

So, Mike Gravel, the ONLY Democratic candidate calling for Bush and Cheney IMPRISONMENT, and drafting a law making war in Iraq illegal, receives this comment from our "Supstar" Keith Olbermann: "..Zell Miller is endorsing Gravel."

Huh, really Keith? Go back to getting wet talking about balls. Oh, and strikes.

If you want Bush and Cheney impeached, raise your hand........Hillary listening? Obama? Edwards or anyone, except Gravel???? No, "someone else" has hill-o-bamward's ears. As well as in their pocket.

Ask yourself: Why did Hillary meet with Rupert Murdoch? Then announce she would NOT seek matching funds???


A FOX in the HEN's house.

Undeniable Liberal said...

Kos is cute?
As a huge fan of this site and merely a humble maru subby bloggerer, I am just now realizing how well informed other fans of this site are.
I DO read Cursor and Madsen, and I have posted a few times at my place before about the impending oil grab in Venezuela.
You make some great points, Farang.