May 5, 2007

Orwellian Governmentalism
Oh for fuck's sake and the love of all things fuckable. In the Cheney Menstruation's vision of 'Murkkka, if anybody suspects you of being a "terrorist," you don't have the right to prohibit "enhanced interrogation techniques" from being inflicted upon you, to see a lawyer, nor have the right to a speedy trial, board an airplane, or even the right to apply for a writ of habeas corpus. But you absolutely should keep your right to have....ummm.... maybe A gun?

The National Rifle Association is urging the Bush administration to withdraw its support of a bill that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying firearms.
Backed by the Justice Department, the measure would give the attorney general the discretion to block gun sales, licenses or permits to terror suspects.
In a letter this week to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, NRA executive director Chris Cox said the bill, offered last week by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (news, bio, voting record), D-N.J., "would allow arbitrary denial of Second Amendment rights based on mere 'suspicions' of a terrorist threat."
"As many of our friends in law enforcement have rightly pointed out, the word 'suspect' has no legal meaning , particularly when it comes to denying constitutional liberties," Cox wrote.
Orwell is rolling over in his grave. Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is Strength, Up is Down, Guns for "terrorists" ok........Fuuuhuckmeee! Make the crazy people go away..........
Undeniable Liberal


montag said...

It makes perfect sense really. How can you be afraid of terrists if they don't have guns? And we wouldn't want it being abused by use against those friendly white militia guys, would we?

Undeniable Liberal said...

My tin foil hat feels tight...