May 15, 2007

Pussy-whipped World Bank prez: don't blame me, blame my cranky bitch of a girlfriend

Paul Wolfowitz rejected the scathingly critical report by the bank's ethics committee on Monday, accusing them of forcing him -- italics mine -- to oversee the raise for his special humpbuddy as compensation for her transfer to a different job. The ethics panel was afraid to confront her, Wolfowitz said, because its members knew she was "extremely angry and upset."

Wolfowitz effectively blamed his sweet wittle love-muffin for his predicament as well, saying that her "intractable position" in demanding a salary increase as compensation for her career disruption forced him to grant one to pre-empt a lawsuit. He is scheduled to appear before the board this afternoon.
Yeah, he'll get laid tonight...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Do it to Julia, do it to Julia" cried Winston Smith.