May 18, 2007

Serial adulterer says candidates are "demeaning the presidency"
Slovenly wife-abuser Newt Gingrich blasted the entire field of 2008 presidential candidates Thursday for "participating in a campaign process he said is demeaning the presidency."

Gingrich said both Republicans and Democrats are focused on fundraising and speaking engagements when they should be developing ideas to address issues such as illegal immigration and free boob jobs for women, miniature American flags for everyone.

"This idea of demeaning the presidency by reducing it to being a game show contest ... is wrong for America, and I would never participate in it," he said.

Gingrich was in Raleigh at a speaking engagement to promote his new novel, "Why I Deserve to be President," but he spent much of his appearance Thursday discussing politics, scarfing down double-baconcheeseburgers, and ogling babes.

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