May 20, 2007

Thanks for the Memories....
Now that religious reich-wing hate monger Jerry Falwell is dead, republicunt "leaders" no longer feel the need to get down on their knees and fellate him any more and now use the words of their Imperial leader, Darth Cheney saying: "Go Fuck Yourself."

Sen. John McStain isn't planning to attend the Rev. Jerry Falwell's funeral Tuesday. Rival Republicunt knobgobbler Rude Ghouliani can't make it, either. Nor can former Virginia former governor and long-shot 2008 Republicunt presidential candidate Jim Gilmore. Pretzelnitwit McAwol is blowing off Falwells funeral too(as opposed to blowing Falwell anymore), and instead is sending Tim Goeglein, a mid-level aide that few people realize exists.

Anonymous GOP sources say there is absolutely no truth to claims that Religious Reichmaster heir-apparent Pat Robertson has demanded all rights to any future Blowjobs owed to and scheduled for Falwell.

Breaking News: It has now been three days and Falwell is still dead!

~Undeniable Liberal~

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