June 20, 2007

Fringe Radicals
Fred Thompson is doing what republicunts do best, campaigning on their only strength; fear and imminent death at the hands of browned skinned islamocommienazijihadifascsist® evildoers. Radical fringe element America hater Bob Geiger describes a few common activities typically enjoyed by left wing whackos:

Took my son to the driving range with me. While we whacked golf balls, we discussed our lack of family values and my little boy stunned me with this question: "Dad, why haven't you been divorced a bunch of times like Fred Thompson and the other Republican presidential candidates?" "Now son," I said. "Senator Thompson's only been divorced once. You're thinking of Rudy Giuliani or Newt Gingrich."
I just had a similar conversation with my sons while smoking some reallllly good weed and plotting to overthrow the government and ogling some babes..



Anonymous said...

OK, I've gotta pipe in here and just say that I love it when Maru calls the other party "asshats," but I'm less than thrilled with "Republicunts." I don't like insults that assume the feminine is weak and stupid, like calling people "pussies" and telling people they "throw like a girl."

But as I write this, I realize that I wouldn't have had any problem with U. L. calling them "dickheads," so maybe I'll just shut up now.


Anonymous said...

Kim, let's just call em' cocksuckers, it's non-gender specific.

Anonymous said...

“We can not deport 12 million illegal aliens.” Fred Thompson

Undeniable Liberal said...

Ok, let's try Republicocksuckers.