June 5, 2007

Raise your hand if you think Blitzer's an a-hole
Jon Stewart rips Wolfie a new one -- video at Crooks and Liars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor ol' farang. It's a real bitch getting old, ya know? Here I was, watching the "debate" between the Democratic candidates, and I was thinking " How did I lose a year? I've always thought the elections were held 3 months before the Inaugeration...?"

Silly old fool. Guess I lost a year somewhere, maybe it is a "time warp" from too much ai rtravel, or sumpin.

Snarks aside, is there any reader here that feels like Kucinich DIDN'T make the BEST points in this debate?
Tell me how, please.

Like if elected, he would direct the Justice Department to immediately move to declare the bullfuckingshit Patriot Act UNCONSTITUTIONAL? Got a problem with that???

Like stating the obvious, that the Dems were elected INTO A MAJORITY to END IRAQ OCCUPATION, and SCREWED THEIR CONSTITUENCY?? (see polls, dems have lost 10 % of their approval rating as of today)

Got a problem with that??

But no, I see the so-called polls have Hillary, the one that DEFENDED her vote to invade illegally, her LACK of actually READING the National Security Report, as did Edwards (which stated Iraq was no threat, had no WMD's) as a "consensus report", as the "winner" of this debate.

Fucking hell, people, what gives????

Yeah, Hillary, the CONSENSUS was they were NO THREAT, and THEY had it CORRECT.

Unlike YOU. And Edwards, and the rest of the PRETEND OPPOSITION.

Sorry for the yelling. But this nonsense is FUCKING UP MY COUNTRY!!!!!