June 6, 2007

Reboob WH hopefuls suddenly come down with Bush Derangement Syndrome
Erstwhile Bush enablers now want you to forget they've spent the past six plus years happily sucking WH cock and rubberstamping everything he put in front of them. Besides, he's not a real conservative anyway.

The popular war preznit was roundly bitchslapped Tuesday night by Republican candidates unhappy with his handling of the Iraq war, his foreign policies, his diplomatic style, his approach to immigration, and his choice of ties.

"I would certainly not send him to the United Nations to represent the United States," said former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson. "Stupid fucking disaster monkey..."

"I'd tell him 'never darken the door of the White House or my towels again!'" said Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado.

"Jesus may love him, but everyone else thinks he's an asshole," intoned Mormon and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.

"I was mayor of New York City during September 11th, you know," explained America's Mayor® Rudy "9/11" Giuliani, surreptitiously adjusting his garter belt.

"Mmmmphthth! Glmmmph bllrrrrrrr," said Senator John McCain of Arizona. "But mblm blmblbllll."

"And you guys call me crazy," a disgusted Ron Paul told the panel.

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