June 1, 2007

Redefining how we use the word 'prick.'

God, it's almost as if he derives pleasure from being the biggest cockhole he can be. No wait, it is like that. There's no almost about it. He's every douche in high school you hated times 911. Plus one. Then double it again. You might be getting close. The formula is a work in progress.

Several mothers who have lost children at war in Iraq took part in a new talk show today on National Public Radio.

One of them, Elaine Johnson, recounted a meeting that she had with President Bush in which he gave her a presidential coin and told her and five other families: "Don't go sell it on eBay."

I'm sure at that point he smirked and chuckled that arrogant little chuckle we've all grown to loathe. He probably went to sleep that night content that he had done such an honorable deed. I can imagine he fucked himself right hard intoxicated by his dillusions of nobility.

Listen to the NPR audio interview. It's blood boiling.



Anonymous said...

How he came away without a coin shoved up his sphincter is a testament to Elaine's graciousness.

Good. God.

Anonymous said...

The token of a coin is an honorable military tradition; the son of a Bush has a history of neither.

Anonymous said...

Munchausen Gold Medal, more like it.
