June 4, 2007

Rewriting history
Jebus wept...

Bush at press conference: Saddam had no WMDs.
Bush at press conference, one minute later: We had to invade because Saddam wouldn't disarm.


Tony, the Restless Foodie said...

can we stand in line to smack him in the head?

Anonymous said...

We had to invade before the UN inspectors, still in Iraq until the invasion, inspected every damn inch of sand without success. I recall Bush also stated "Saddam refused to allow the inspectors in", like he had been drugged during the 2002 and 2003 build up of propaganda to invade.

ANYONE in 2003 that could type google into their browser, and type in "IAEA 1998 report on Iraqi WMD's" knew there was nothing left to be found. "All gone."

"A wild goose chase" Hans termed it.

Frankly, never forget Colin Powell's lying through his damn teeth to the world's representatives. A War Criminal too. Just because he bailed later, he is still a neocon war criminal.

It is all planned, read the PNAC. They are moving ahead with phase two (or is it 3?) of the invasions.......

STILL think 19 Arabs were the sole attackers???? Maybe Bush can loan you a brain, you need it.

Sure, someone hijacked the planes, and sure, someone flew them into the towers and Pentagon. No doubt.

But who rigged the explosives in WTC 7? Takes weeks...

As Barbara Hoenegger, Reagan's trusted military advisor and present professor at the US Navy's war academy kindly has pointed out, the SOMETHING that hit the Pentagon, passenger plane or whatever, gave off the necessary "FRIENDLY" signal that stopped the Pentagon's anti-aircraft missiles from defending it.


Or is SHE a "tin foil hatter" too???