June 5, 2007

Weh! Nobody's buying the JFK terrist plot! Wehhhhh!
Neal "kneel" Boor-tz has a bloody screaming conniption over the liberal commies at the NY Times "burying" the implausible, half-baked and unfeasible plot* by four losers with no money, no training, and no explosives -- excuse me, the devastating plot by MUSLIM TERRORISTS!1!1! -- on page 37:

The placement of this story merely illustrates how New York Times has abandoned responsible journalism for partisan electioneering {Ahhh! The idiocy is eating away at my brain!! -- Ed.}. Their reasoning is simple. If the Times reports the story on page one people might take it seriously.
Duh. Oh, wait, no: be afraid, America! Be very afraid!! Uh, errrr, oh, no, don't be afraid: our Dear Leader George W. Bush will protect us! Ummm, hold on, yeah, be afraid! Dems are pussies! Muslims are evil! Ah! Ah! My diapers are full! Ah!

Stupid fucking asshat.

Bonus: Experts say the plot never posed a real threat. "These guys were fuckin' bozos," explains an NTSB spokesman.

Double-bonus: a former federal prosecutor in the article practically calls Boortz a shameless, bottom-dwelling twat-hole.

* From Attytood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to say that these Repukes are getting REALLY BAD at this fear-mongering stuff -- they're so clumsy and un-subtle that I suspect even the US sheeple aren't falling for it anymore, and that's 'lame' with a capital "L". Pretty soon even the MSM will deliver the latest 'terrorist apprehending' with a smirk, knowing that they'll be released in 2 or 3 weeks when the goverment quietly drops charges due to lack of evidence or any crime being committed (stupidity is STILL NOT a crime in this country, especially since it's a preferred lifestyle).