June 16, 2007

Peace Chick tells a caller from the DNC to fuck off. Woot!


Peacechick Mary said...

Thanks. I'm going to have to do a follow up post on those who think we are playing right into Rove's hands. I don't give a flying fig about Rove - this is principle we stand on.

Anonymous said...

fuck them. and rove can eat a bowl full of dicks, as far as i'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

You're right PC - - some things ARE higher priority than others. Things like wars we are involved in (much less orchestrating!) are one of the highest priorities in our international relations. The Dems COULD have held the budget hostage until Bush relented (or HE shut down the government) but they we're too chicken -- even though they had the public strongly behind an Iraq draw-down now!

We can't be letting the Dems finesse this so that they in effect say "we're slightly better on SOME domestic issues than the Repubs, so you have to vote for us or 'throw your vote away' or 'help elect a Repub' -- you have no other realistic choice". Well, I'm to the point where I'm going to vote for a Green Party candidate or a Socialist -- someone who I feel akin to, not just someone who gives lip service to traditional Democratic values but then votes 'Republican lite' because that's where the money is! If a lot of people do vote the same and the Dems lose - WTF is the difference? They're finding ways to lose right now anyway! And they generally seem content to play second fiddle -- the clucking schoolmarm to the Republican bullys -- and bask in the soft money they still end up getting from worried voters whom they often end up betraying. I don't think that voting for them when they do these sort of things is going to promote a change in their values.

Anonymous said...

I wish they'd call me! I've somehow gotten on to an RNC list and they call me at 8:00 am on Sunday morning. I do get a kick out of berating them for calling on the Sabbath, say a few choice words about GW, then tell them I'm not a Republican when they get too long winded (they hang right up...at least the DNC guy was polite).