CNN's Baghdad correspondent Michael Ware explains some facts to ignorant slut Wolf Blitzer, rips Awol "September 11th" von Chimpface a new butt-hole:
DUMBYAH: Th' Iraqi people know they are Al Qaeda. People across the Muslim world know they are Al Qaeda. And there's a good reason they are called Al Qaeda in Iraq -- they... are... Al Qaeda... in... Iraq.
BLITZER: In fact, as we mentioned, the president used the name Al Qaeda some 95 times today in that speech... Michael, you spoke earlier and suggested that President Bush's speech on Al Qaeda in Iraq, in your word, was rudimentary. What did you mean?
MICHAEL WARE: Christ. Well, the president's speech, to me, was breathtaking in the fact he was giving us an ancient history lesson, so to speak. What the president was highlighting and emphasizing over and over again is clearly well established and an unequivocal fact -- that Al Qaeda in Iraq is a part of the broader Al Qaeda network has never been in question. That Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his successors have aspirations beyond Iraq have never been in doubt. They spelled it out from the beginning. And that it's a foreign-run organization with foreign leadership and foreign suicide bombers, again, is common knowledge.
It really makes one wonder why the president is hammering this point home when he just glosses over the fact this war is creating more Al Qaeda jihadis rather than reducing the number.
BLITZER: In fact, as we mentioned, the president used the name Al Qaeda some 95 times today in that speech... Michael, you spoke earlier and suggested that President Bush's speech on Al Qaeda in Iraq, in your word, was rudimentary. What did you mean?
MICHAEL WARE: Christ. Well, the president's speech, to me, was breathtaking in the fact he was giving us an ancient history lesson, so to speak. What the president was highlighting and emphasizing over and over again is clearly well established and an unequivocal fact -- that Al Qaeda in Iraq is a part of the broader Al Qaeda network has never been in question. That Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his successors have aspirations beyond Iraq have never been in doubt. They spelled it out from the beginning. And that it's a foreign-run organization with foreign leadership and foreign suicide bombers, again, is common knowledge.
It really makes one wonder why the president is hammering this point home when he just glosses over the fact this war is creating more Al Qaeda jihadis rather than reducing the number.
Uhhhh, thanks for that, Michael. You're in The Situation Room. Next: Democratic Senator Arlen Specter calls Attorney General Gonzales a liar.

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