July 17, 2007

Adulterer seeks to rebuild trust, little black book
Vitter: Prostitute stories untrue. Uhhh, well, not all of them untrue. Just some of them. Most of them very, very true.

Family values senator Diaper... uhhh, David Vitter on Monday denied that he had sex with New Orleans prostitutes, didn't deny that he had sex with Washington DC prostitutes, blamed “political enemies,” media for linking him to having sex with prostitutes, and said he will return to work, insisting he was “committed to trying to live up to the important values we believe in.” Those important Grand Old Party values of adulterous sex. With or without prostitutes.

F*cked fact: the betrayed little woman -- oh, fuck that: the c*nt who "publicly attacked Hillary Clinton for standing by her man" -- was brought up to the podium by her adulterous lying horndog husband to proudly defend the hypocritical hooker-screwing cheater instead of Bobbitizing him as promised.

Fun fact: "If this is what they waited a week to come up with... Vitter's part of it was borderline disastrous as far as political damage control." -- NBC News' political director Chuck Todd.


Anonymous said...

::off to Google "Vitter + diaper"::

Anonymous said...

"..the important values we believe in..."

Same old story. Those who talk about it the most do it the least.

Anonymous said...

I'm in my slutty outfit, defending yer high-priced, extramarital blowjobs.