July 26, 2007

A "cause for optimism"
-- yore preznit, 7/12/07.

  • BuzzFlash: Iraq's coalition government crumbling like Bush's poll numbers: country's largest Sunni Arab bloc walks out of the government.

  • As Commander Codpiece's troop buildup in Iraq is hitting its stride and showing some gains in tamping down sectarian violence, mutilated, tortured, and unidentified bodies in Baghdad rise to pre-surge levels.

  • Two suicide bombings killed at least 50 cheering, dancing, flag-waving Iraqis celebrating their national triumph in soccer. More than 130 others were wounded.

  • There has been a "significant improvement" -- in the aim of attackers firing rockets and mortars into the heavily fortified Green Zone in the past three months.

  • Five US troops have been killed in Iraq in the past two dats.

  • As U.S. troop strength has brought down violence, 25 people were killed and 115 wounded in a Baghdad car bombing Thursday. The toll is expected to rise as many bodies are still under the rubble.

    It's like the Mall of America!


    Anonymous said...

    I turned to my colleagues and said there’s a commonality with the Mall of America, in that it’s on that proportion. There’s marble everywhere. The other thing I remarked about was there is water everywhere

    Oh sure, but where's the food court, Spencer's, Victoria's Secret, Pottery Barn?

    Anonymous said...

    Pre-surge levels. Nice.

    Anonymous said...

    We're spose to believe that Iraqi insurgents or AQ fundies killed those 50 soccer fans?

    I'm quite certain it was Mossad black ops. They hate it when the Iraqis unite on anything.

    Nick Z.