July 29, 2007

Cleavage Obsession
For her age, Senator Clinton, otherwise known as the wife of the almighty Clenis is a nice looking woman, but for gawds sake, could the "liberal media" stop obsessing about her cleavage already?
A more noteworthy cleavage, IMHO, would the magical cleavage of Hootie McJuggalicious, trophy wife and unofficial campaign director for Frederick of Hollywood. One doesn't have to be a horny and dirty old man to appreciate the significance of such......um....significance.

~Undeniable Liberal~


Anonymous said...

Undie, when a friend of mine would be confronted with such a chasm of ecstacy he would ask just one thing. "Hey man, would you smear me in olive oil so I can dive down her shirt".

Anonymous said...

then there's this, yeck!

think she's offering to spit on his comb?