FBI chief's testimony at odds with chronic liar's
WH calls both head of FBI and former AG Ashcroft liars, and anyone who thinks differently hates America.
The White House defiantly stuck by Alberto Gonzales and flatly denied that FBI Director Robert Mueller contradicted the attorney general's testimony on administration dissent over the Dictator-tot's illegal wiretapping program. In his own sworn testimony Thursday, Mueller disputed Gonzales', saying under questioning that the illegal terrorist surveillance program was the topic of the hospital room dispute between top Bush misadministration officials.It was the other illegal wiretapping program they were discussing -- so there!
"The FBI director didn't contradict the testimony," WH spokes-liar Tony Snow said. "The president maintains full confidence in the attorney general."Yore doin' a heckuva job, li'l Chili-bean! Here -- this is the best part:
"What we've been trying to do is to create a little air of dignity in this town, where at the very beginning of this Congress there was a lot of talk about getting work done, setting a new tone. And instead what have we gotten? We have got insults, insinuations, investigations and inquisitions....LOL. Gawd. My freaking sides hurt.
"And what has happened is that there is generated this idea of, let's go on a fishing expedition and let's haul somebody up, and let's make insinuations without having firm proof. And what that does is it creates a toxic atmosphere....
"The President is bothered sometimes by the tone of debate in Washington."
Anyhoo, forget all about the fact that the nation's attorney general put politics and preznental pudentum before his country and lied repeatedly, or the fact that the Bushies shit all over the Constitution with their illegal spy program -- it's "a convoluted story; and much of it is beside the point. The country is at war!" the National Neocon Wankrag reminds us, sanctimoniously waving their little American flags while jerking off into copies of the Bill of Rights.
Ya know the WH sounds alot like that inspector guy who was pissed when the WH was going on a fishin expedition for WMD in Iraq
I wonder, will Snow and the president be "bothered sometimes" by the way a hemp rope leaves impression on necks?
One can only wait and see.
Personally, I think this is all a BS diversion that is designed to waste time and go nowhere.
Think about it. Ashcroft is every bit as much a loyal Bushite rethug as Gonzales.
It's like putting two corporate rethugs in a ring to put on a show, all the time knowing that it makes absolutely no real difference who wins.
Pointless. Diversion. Killing time.
Nick Z.
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