The Free Press in the United States of Amnesia
Ignoring the fact that most Americans can remember bullshit somewhat and ratcheting up the war drums for their Imperial masters with a worn out fable, we get more ooga booga from the stenographers at theAP:
U.S.: Smugglers nabbed in Iraq may have links to Iran
U.S. troops on Sunday detained two suspected weapons smugglers who may be linked to Iran's elite Quds force, the military said, as Washington presses allegations that Tehran is supporting violence in Iraq despite plans for new bilateral talks on the issue.The suspects and a number of weapons were seized during a raid on a rural farm compound in eastern Iraq, near the Iranian border, according to a military statement."The suspects may be associated with a network of terrorists that have been smuggling explosively formed projectiles (EFPs), other weapons, personnel and money from Iran into Iraq," the military said. EFPs are powerful, armor-piercing roadside bombs that have killed hundreds of U.S. soldiers in recent months.
And although I promised not to cum in your mouth, I may. But really,what the fuck is it, al Qaeda or Iran? Doh! It's al Qaeda FROM Iran. Gaaaawwwwd, the Cheney Menstruation thinks we are all morons like the 25%ers that still support them.

~Undeniable Liberal~
Hmmm. well... I MAY have heard that Rove likes to suck cum from the anuses of small boys...That Cheney MAY direct and produce Mexican snuff films... That W MAY be the one filling small boys anuses with cum.. Oh man, I could go on.
Interestingly enough, the LA Times reported* that approximately ZERO (0)% of the 'migrant' terrorists in Iraq are from Iran and nearly half (approx 45%) are from one of our partners in the 'War Against Terrirrrrism', Saudi Arabia! But what good is THAT kind of news for fomenting ANOTHER illegal, immoral war?? Answer: none. So let us speak of it no more!
(*= link:
The memes are being planted.
Dirty Bombs, Gut Feelings and False-Flags: An Examination of Implications of Recent Remarks by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Economist Mr. Paul Craig Roberts" - by Winston Smith
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