Is Giuliani a total shit-head or what??
Presidential 9/11 hopeful Rudy "September 11th" Giuliani said Tuesday that 9/11 people who want to 9/11 legalize marijuana for medical purposes September 11th really just want to 9/11 make the drug 9/11 available to 9/11 everyone.What is he, high?

"Just my heels, darling!"
O, what a sweet man!!
I love some 9/11 high :)
Like marijuana isn't already available to everyone?
He forgot to add "without the threat of going to 9/11 prison" for nonviolent possession of a natural weed and being "demonized to 9/11 poverty and a 9/11 underclass of society for life".
I spose he is "fearing for the 9/11 children" who would be exposed to this "dangerous 9/11 substance" that could "destroy their 9/11 minds".
Note: Alcohol was directly responsible for 380,000 deaths between 1984 and 1994. Marijuana was "indirectly related to 13" during the same period.
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