Lonely and lame, Bush agonises over legacy
Actual headline. Gee, it's kinda late to start worrying about it NOW, dontcha think, now that you've fucked up everything you put your dirty chimplike little fingers on -- now that you've used the Constitution of the United States as your personal toilet paper and taken a raging crap on not only the world but your own fellow citizens. You miserable little fuck. Good. I hope you're agonizing. Join the fucking rest of the planet, you idiot.
From the Guardian:
Mr Bush cuts a lonely figure, holed up in the White House fretting over his legacy. Although never a social animal, he is reluctant to drop into Washington restaurants unannounced for dinner, as the Clintons did, in part because he is fearful of the public response. This week, in particular, because of the Libby decision, he has largely avoided public contact.
Rating the worst presidents, Professor Robert Dallek, author of several books about the presidency, said "Hoover was a disaster. Warren Harding rates very low in the pantheon of presidents and it is likely that Bush will be seen as a bottom feeder."

73 civilians and 8 US troops have been killed in Iraq
WHY is there even a microscopic shred of converstion about the fucktard's legacy at this point in time??!! HOW is that the least bit important right now??!!
90% of what the MSM does/says is self-serving, self-perpetuating pablum, and this "need" to address a president's legacy, especially before he's even out of office, is just another one of those feebly tired cliches they'll destroy valuable time and resources addressing for the next 18 months before that sniveling idiot is even out office.
besides, how much more than braindead do you have to be to see that The Moron's legacy is a floater in the toilet of presidential history?!
This is why we love you, maru.
IF we WERE a nation of laws (and assuming Bush were then actually ELECTED), not only would Bush's legacy be 'tarnished' - - HE'D BE IN FUCKING JAIL WITH CHENEY AND HALF HIS MIS-ADMINISTRATION!
I'm not surprised that Chimpy can't go anywhere...did anyone else here the hellasious BOO'S of the George Bush imitators on that new TV show?
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