July 11, 2007

Mmmmph! Bllrrrrgh mrrrr glllg mrrmmmmm!
Quisling douchebag Joe Lieberman yesterday: “You know, Harry Reid said a while ago that the war in Iraq is lost. It’s wrong. It’s not lost. In fact, I would say we’re beginning to win it. We’ve turned the tide with the new strategy. And in fact, I cannot conceive of a circumstance in which American forces would lose the war in Iraq, on the ground in Iraq. If we lose it, it’s gonna be lost here at home, in a different kind of war for public opinion and political support.”

Also yesterday: at least 3 people were killed when a barrage of more than a dozen mortars or rockets exploded into the Green Zone, supposedly the safest place in the country.

And this: 'things are improving in Iraq so much that it's no longer safe for members of Congress to stay there overnight... they can't even visit the US Embassy safely.'

Security conditions in Iraq prevented Bachmann from meeting any Iraqis, leaving the Green Zone or staying in Iraq overnight. She and other congressional members were required to wear full body armor, including Kevlar helmets, during the entire trip, she said.
And this today: yuck.

A new way forward indeed.


Peacechick Mary said...

Frankly, I don't think we can take much for "good news" from Iraq.

Rich Miles said...

I read your site often, and enjoy not only the info but the attitude with which it's presented.

But I just had to make a special effort to acknowledge the world-class wordsmithery of someone who can cobble up the construction "quisling douchebag."

I mean, that linguistic construct is just one of the best! I've seen in a long time. Not to mention that it seems pretty accurate.

Keep it up. Go on, just keep it up, I dare ya.

(Side issue: why does my Firefox spell check know "quisling" but not "douchebag"? I'm just askin')