New allegations, ropes tie Sen. David Vitter to even more hookers
GOP sanctity-of-marriage senator accused of paying constituents... ermm, frequenting prostitutes in New Orleans, then lying about it and accusing rivals of a "political smear campaign."
Rising star of the family-values wing of the Republican party likes his hookers. And that's fine. But spare us the sanctimonious family values crap when you're cheating on your wife with prostitutes. -- AmericaBlog.Update: a member of the La. Republican State Central Committee has called for Vittner to resign, saying Vitter’s actions violate the rethug party’s “family values” stance (see Undie Lib's post earlier today). If he doesn’t resign, Vincent Bruno said, "Vitter should “join the Democratic Party where they think that kind of behavior is OK.”
Excuse me? Shall I post that list of GOP Hypocrites again, asshole?

"Damn, dude, they were out to here!"
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