July 18, 2007

Oh Woah Woah, It's Magic....Ya know....
General Pace, Bush Knobgobbler chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is now suddenly announcing, that Iraq has miraculously turned the final corner with breathtaking and astonishing signs of normalcy. Even Baghdad, according to Pace, is amazingly safer even more so than when douche bag Joe LIEberman (R-Tel Aviv) went there for a shopping trip.
Meanwhile, in realityville....

*Altogether on Monday alone some 96 were killed and 205 wounded the bombings and mortar attacks in Kirkuk and Baghdad.
*3 soldiers reported killed in Baghdad
*Gunmen in Iraq wearing military uniforms have killed 29 people in a village in Diyala province north of Baghdad, security officials said. A police spokesman said a large group of gunmen surrounded Duwailiya village and killed men, women and children.It comes a day after more than 80 people were killed in a lorry bomb attack in the northern town of Kirkuk.In Baghdad, at least 10 people, including four soldiers, were killed in a suicide car bomb targeting an Iraqi army convoy passing through Zayouna district.Another car bomb exploded near the Iranian embassy in central Baghdad, killing four people.
Sweet mother of Gawd and Praise Jebus, it's a freaking MIRACLE!! Alrighty then! Mission a-fucking-ccomplished! The glorious battle for the survival of white oil consuming civilization is damn near complete. It's the LAST THROES of the insurgency! LAST THROES! Yaaayyy!! Just six more months and the oil victory will be ours!
Sooooo.... how about a triumphal visit to Baghdad by Chimperor Flaccidius Maximus? Fuck it, let the smirky prick strut around the market with his codpiece enhanced flight suit on and the original Mission Accomplished banner flying to prove what a great place it has become. With no helmet or body armor and helicopters, of course. Puuullleeeeeeze?

~Undeniable Liberal~


Anonymous said...

Who wants to charter a plane for all the PNAC neo-cons so they can go celebrate such sweet progress?

Undeniable Liberal said...

Yeah, THAT'S the ticket!

Anonymous said...

Let's declare victory and go home.