July 25, 2007

Bad week already for the Fox News gasbag --

  • Clinton campaign tells Bill O to go fuck himself after he blasts Dems planning to attend YKos:
    "Unfortunately with all due respect for you, the days where you can dictate where Senator Clinton and other Democrats go, who we talk to, are over."
  • O'Reilly forced to apologize for "significant inaccuracies and exaggerations" in his fantasy report on pink-pistol-packin' lesbian gangs roaming the streets of DC.


    Anonymous said...

    O'Reilly and Limbaugh and Coulter etc are all just amoral right-wing publicity seekers. They're closer to Paris Hilton or Brittany Spears or Howard Stern than they are to any journalist.

    HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

    Translation: Phone call to Rupert Murdoch by Marry Cheney

    Anonymous said...

    Every time you talk about Bildo, he makes more money.