Profiles in courage
Former Bush surgeon general says he was muzzled, made to wear pink party-dresses
The first US. surgeon general appointed by Preznit Jebus McRetard accused the administration on Tuesday of political interference and muzzling him on key issues like embryonic stem cell research."He made me do it!! Wehhhhhhhh!" Geez. Jackass.

What a whore.
I've often said that gov't employees are overpaid because it's really "hush money" they're receiving, not wages per se.
Yeah, and NOW he 'comes out', when the damage is done, and virtually everybody is wise to "W" & friends, and W is in the lame-duck coast mode. Sure would have been more laudable & impressive if he had done it back when so many of the US sheeple were 'ga-ga' over Bush's "9/11 leadership"... it might have actually made a difference in the world (who knows, it might have been just enough to tip the 2004 election or something similar... but we'll never know).
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