July 3, 2007

Rule of law! Rule of law!
Blowjob! Blowjob!

Why we can never, ever deal with scumbags like this:

"Why the commutation makes sense: Libby was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice - but even if you accept that these convictions were just, what Fitzgerald did not demonstrate was that any kind of harm was done."
-- the incredibly stupid John "Pud" Podhoretz, in National Rectum Online.


Anonymous said...

Bullshit. It was fucking treasonous to do what he did. Obstruction of justice was a plea bargain deal.

Anonymous said...

What a poor argument! Pud-horetz should try that argument next time he gets a speeding ticket - - "Oh, it's OK officer, you can forget the fine... nobody was hurt".

It's actually just a thinly veiled argument for favortism/elitism - - rich, powerful people who are on MY side shouldn't have to obey the law.

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait for a non-republican to get elected as President and attempt to use some or all of these nefarious precedents that Bush has set. We will all need high quality earplugs because of the howling from the right.

1) A non-republican will be elected at some point because everything is cyclical
2) Said non-republican will attempt to do many of the things the Bush has done because, in the end, all politicians are the same

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. ~ Lord Acton

It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable. ~ Eric Hoffer

You see what power is - holding someone else's fear in your hand and showing it to them! ~ Amy Tan