July 15, 2007

Strategic failure warning
Focusing on Iraq has put us in danger of losing both Afghanistan and Pakistan to radical islamic takeovers.

Generals fear that the government is so overwhelmed by Iraq that it is in danger of losing sight of the threat of failure in Afghanistan.

Britain's most senior generals have issued a blunt warning to Downing Street that the military campaign in Afghanistan is facing a catastrophic failure, a development that could lead to an Islamist government seizing power in neighbouring Pakistan.

'The consequences of failure in Afghanistan are far greater than in Iraq,' he said. 'If we fail in Afghanistan then Pakistan goes down. The security problems for Britain would be massively multiplied. I think you could not then stop a widening regional war that would start off in warlordism but it would become essentially a war in the end between Sunni and Shia right across the Middle East.'

Heckuva job, moron.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gee... who'd 'ev guessed that going into the center of a troubled, fundamentalist religious REGION (not just COUNTRY) that has a history of suicide bombing tactics, and bombing the fuck out of it, followed by an occupation & occasional civilian killings while we make paper arrangements to 'steal'(oh.. I'm sorry Mr.Broder & Mr.Friedman.. "buy") their oil, would've resulted in 'problems'?? I thought Islamic fundamentalists historically responded by rolling over... like they've done in Palestine for the last 50+ yrs? Or Iran with the Shah? Or previous occupations by historical invaders?