July 20, 2007

Stupid fucking turd to get pooper probed
Rectum? I wish!

Preznit A-hole will undergo a routine colonoscopy Saturday. Procedure to remove head from ass unfortunately not scheduled. Rabid Constitution-shredder Dick "dick" Cheney will officially ass-ume command while the Chimperator is under the influence, God help us.


Anonymous said...

Overheard in the exam room. "Hey I swear I see his brain in here"!

Okay, my early Xmas wish, Headline: "President Fatally Injured In Colonoscopy Procedure Gone Horribley Awry, Shock of News Causes Fatal Heart Attack in Vice-President".

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be the one who gets to shove something up his ass.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonynous, right you are, turn about is fair play, God knows he's been shoving it up ours for way too long.

Anonymous said...

Whew! We're safe (??) - - the power is back in "Bush's hands" (or is it Cheney's hand up W's ass, like any good ventriloquist / puppeteer?).

I found your Xmas wish amusing 'Captain' and I know it's just for yuks -- but (fantasizing for a moment) even if THAT happened, wouldn't the American sheeple just end up 'feeling sorry' for them (ala Reagan after he was shot) and we'd probably get another election victory for the Repukes! Somehow (fantasy of fantasies) the majority of the people in this country need to get their head beyond sitcoms and the status quo and start voting intelligently or we'll just get more of the same! Hopefully 2006 is the beginning of something like that..

Anonymous said...

big em, I hear what you're putting down, BUT, so many people seem to be opening their eyes and realizing that that the GOP is mostly peopled by "Fuck you, I've got mine" types and are developing a conscience over it. They really are starting to hate these assholes. Every time I listen to Ed Schultz some repub calls in and tells Eddy how fed up they are with the GOP and how they'll not vote for any GOP candidates. Based on my limited recon I think the GOP has shit in their own mess kit this time around.

Anonymous said...


Anyhow, I truthfully think that this was a packaged deal. Ya se ole Preznit is good friends with possibly the BRAVEST AMERICAN ever. Who's that you say?? Well none other than shitty (of all things)guitarist, right winger Ted "shit in My Pants" Nugent. We all know his story don't we?? OK, just in case and one more time. Ole Turd Nugget admitted in an intervew with the Detroit Free Press (July 15, 1990)to urinating and defecating in his pants for an entire week to avoid serving his country during the Vietnam War. Now he earns as much as $20,000 a night preaching about the Constitution, patriotism and the right to bear arms. I'm not sure if he wears his diapers while he's doing this. But anyhow I think I would be very concerned for my president while Butt Nugget is getting his cattle prod shoved up that fat cowardly ass. Bush could end up being the first Black President. Well, that's the way many of us Vietnam vet feel.