Special treatment: Scooter Libby, the misadministration's Paris Hilton
Well-- NOW can it be impeachment time, please??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Words fail me.
Except for "you goddamn fucking asshole." And "if you Democrats can't fucking get your fucking SPINES after THIS, you can fucking kiss it all goodbye, you fucking PUSSIES."
Jesus Christ in a handcart.
Eat me.
July 2, 2007
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7/02/2007 06:13:00 PM
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You are so right!
The pussy dems just kill me!!
All in the same boat, I imagine!
Oh, and FUCK ALL OF YOU on Captol Hill. Blowjob!!!
you took the words right out of my potty mouth, maru.
Fuck, fuck, fuck......if this doesn't fucking wake people up then we are truly fucking doomed.
I just sreamed when I read the 'breaking news' on Yahoo....I knew Awol Dipshit would to this, but not this soon.....I wish I could say it was unbelievable..
I never thought I would feel proud of Paris Hilton, but at least she did 45 days!
This is the never ending abusive marriage where we are nothing but shit on and we take it.
Way past time for pitchforks and torches people. They may take their (our) money with them, but they may never live among us again.
Go ahead. Got to Dubai, Dick and Lynne. Go to Paraguay, George and Laura. Never to darken our shores again.
The collective balls of our elected officials will go with them to be a delicacy of DC Mountain Oysters.
The only thing that surprises me about this is that anyone is surprised. None of the other WH fuckups have really done any time or even are close to doing any time. Allowing Scooter to stick so much as a toenail inside the slammer would only give everyone hope we could get the rest of these pond-slimesuckers into prison stripes. Sorry to say I just dont see it happening anytime soon.
I know, it's Nader's fault! If Nader would of only shut up and not bothered to speak up, it would be paradise! I mean, reformist dem's are what we need--
You pathetic sheeple should be in the streets right now--
I'm off to a meeting, then to the streets--
Bah! It's Nader's fault!
I have to jadedly agree with 'jlfromnh' - - this is pretty outrageous alright, but when you remember (or read of) Tricky-Dick Nixon (a NON-Neo-Con Republican, interestingly [tellingly?] enough)for instance, and his 'Saturday night massacre'* when he fired Attorney Generals because they wouldn't fire the special prosecutor who was supoenaing him - - it's almost 'tame'! The big differences back then were an ACTUAL Democratic Congress & an ACTUAL (as opposed to virtual) investigative media.
Unfortunately, like the alcoholic that has to bottom-out, the US sheeple need to go through this 're-education' in the ways of the 'free-market Republicans' every few decades before they realize that this is NOT in their best interests!
(* Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_Night_Massacre)
Cheney had to commute Scooters sentence. Scooter knows where all the bodies are hidden(probably literally). Plus there was no way that Cheney was gonna let his little butt bitch go to the big house.
Oh, please, Scott. If you're gonna go around taking "sheeple" to task, I'm gonna have to see physical evidence of your many run-ins with riot cops.
The internet: Where everybody's the tank guy from Tiananmen Square!
we are well beyond the point of impeachment. It is time to storm the castle, lynch these fucking bastards!!! If you see a neotard kick'em in the 'nads.
Well, Berkley and LA 1968, Isla Vista 1969 (with a room mate shot in the back with a shot gun (lucky she had a leather jacket on, but still penetrated)), Paris a little later on, SF in 2003--
Plus interrogated by DAS (Columbian secret police) in 1974- a most unpleasant experience--
Not to mention Nicaragua during the revolution--
Get off your azz ond do something.
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