July 2, 2007

Wingnut bloggers grasping at... wait, what's something less than a straw?

Seriously, guys... grow the fuck up. Oh wait, you already are grown up. Okay then, just fuck off, please.

"Two of the five terror suspects being held in the wake of the failed car bombings in London and Glasgow are hospital doctors working in the UK," reported Sky News.

A number of right wing bloggers seized on the information and connected it to Moore's new film Sicko. The film criticizes the for profit health insurance system in the United States, and praises the United Kingdom's state-run health care system.

One writer, Mark Steyn, who contributes to the National Review Online's Corner blog, posted an e-mail he received in order to identify the connection between Moore's Sicko and the British terrorists.

"'Would these be Doctors who work for the U.K. health care system so lavishly praised by Michael Moore? ...Perhaps they are not Jihadists at all but simply men driven insane by their employer? Maybe Michael Moore has spawned an entirely new breed of suicide bomber — the alienated UK health care worker'" Steyn quotes from one e-mail, after noting "I've been getting more than a few letters along these lines."
And these people are taken seriously, why exactly? The mind, she boggles.



Anonymous said...

I thought they were medical students.


Undeniable Liberal said...

Good gawd! The problem with the proles is....well, you know.