While we're fightin' 'em over there for some reason, the resurgent Taliban rakes in a record opium crop --
Opium production has soared to "frightening record levels" in Afghanistan, which now has more land producing drugs than Columbia, Bolivia and Peru combined, the United Nations said on Monday.
Afghanistan is locked in a vicious circle where drug money feeds both the Taliban insurgency and official corruption which in turn weaken the government's hold of large parts of the country and allows more opium to be produced.

Heckuva job, asshat.
Afghanistan is pretty much a 3-way drug-turf war between Osama's guys, the Taliban and our CIA.
So, who are the CIA pilots these days, and what are their flight plans?????
Not all that hard to figger, if you use your noggin.
And you thought it was only "Rendition"/Torture flights the CIA were flying? What, you thought they would fly home empty-handed?
Allow me to make a suggestion: Can DKos, read Wayne Madsen.
One was a CIA employee during 9/11/01, and now allows NO mention of the 9/11/01 unanswered questions. He likes being on tv, you can watch him primp and preen.
The other is a former NSA employee, and tells it like it really is, and never needs to wipe the cum off his face before appearing on tv. Literally and figuratively.
Which is which?
Osama is dead, and the Taliban absolutely, positively DO NOT support the opium trade.
Absolutely not.
It was the Americans that allowed it to return, and flourish. Through their "warlords", google it and educate yourself. Not the Taliban.
Well, you got one out of three correct, and the most important one, you correctly identified.
The leading audio/video laboratory for identifying fake and real video/audio transmission, is in Switzerland.
They have clearly stated there has been NO validated video or audio of Osama since 2002. ALL FAKED.
He's a goner, packaged and placed on a shelf, to be pulled out and used as a BOOGIEMAN for the fools that believe the official 9/11/01 FAIRY TALE.
Do you believe in fairy tales, mwah?
No - too many evil stepmothers and women waiting to be rescued by princes in those stories.
Conspiracy theories are fun and I'm aware of the Bin Laden ones and all the rest. I take them all with a shaker of salt - same as I do with official gov't reports.
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