August 10, 2007

Bill O'Reilly Likes To Lie

Poor Bill just can't stand the idea that American democracy can exist (and flourish) without MSM pricks like him telling people what to think.

"[W]hat people don't understand is that these Internet bloggers give messages to these candidates: 'If you don't do what we tell you to do, we will trash you and try to interfere with your fundraising.' " Fox News contributor and syndicated columnist Dick Morris later asserted that O'Reilly is "a great rallying point for" liberal bloggers, to which O'Reilly replied: "But I think it's a danger to have blackmailers, which is what these bloggers are, active in the political process."

First off, I'd like to see some documented evidence of whatever the fuck Bill is talking about.

Secondly, lick my balls, Bill. The GOP has had the NRA and evangelical bible-banger knife to their throat (oh, and, Big Pharma... oh, and for a long time Big Tobacco...and the list goes on) for so fucking long I'm too young to remember a time when it was ever any different. Whatever the NRA says is gospel. Whatever bill strikes them as good or bad, they send out marching orders. Whatever Bill Donahue says is bound to be next day's talking point. If you step out of line, you're out of the game. Period. That's not blackmail, though, right, Bill? That's just good politics, right?

It's too much to ask O'Reilly for a little honesty. Which is part of the reason we blog to begin with.. Because you, Bill, like so many other "professional" "journalists" such as yourself, are fucking liars. I know it was much easier before us, when you could lie at will, with little recourse; so I sympathize with your hatred. But we're not going anywhere. And I just love that it just bugs the shit out of you.


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