Bringing honor and integrity back to the White House
At least Nixon had the decency to resign
Richard Nixon, I thought, would be the worst president in my lifetime. How could he not be? His list of offenses seemed endless: sending young men and women to their deaths in an useless war, justified by cooked claims of impending victory; getting the IRS to audit those on an enemies list of political opponents and uncooperative journalists; asserting executive privilege in order to cover his own lawbreaking; employing dirty tricks to gain and hold power. It all was so beyond the pale, I naively thought that no American president would ever again come close to such official depravity.
Enter the boy king, George Bush and his regent Dick Cheney...
The devastation they have wrought to the constitutional order will last generations.
Enter the boy king, George Bush and his regent Dick Cheney...
The devastation they have wrought to the constitutional order will last generations.
-- from a St. Petersburg Times op-ed.

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