August 16, 2007

Bush leads aides on sweaty ranch run
No sense, no feeling

While Retard McJebus was out in the humid, triple-digit heat for a three-mile run, Turd Blossom was touting the Moron-in-Chief's "common sense."

Karl Rove claimed that the people criticizing Bush are “sort of elite, effete snobs who can’t hold a candle to this guy. What they don’t like about him is that he is common sense, that he is Middle America.”
Please. Don't give me that crap. Bush is a spoiled, wealthy, entitled elitist who's had everything in life handed to him on a silver platter, which he then used as a commode. He's continually surrounded by bodyguards, yes-men and minions to keep him away from the little people or from hearing any views that differ from his own... to him we all are a lower form of life. He probably even believes we all have cooties. Poppy's li'l douchebag doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. I mean, come on -- he probably thinks it's a laugh riot making his aides run in 100-degrees-plus heat. Give me a fucking break.

The Boy King on one of his many vacations, relaxing on his daddy's yacht at the family oceanfront estate.


Anonymous said...

Mad dogs and Englishmen. I guess Dumbya is both.

Anonymous said...

Right on Maru -- damn Bush is just another unnotable rich kid, other than some of his father's friends and other assorted 'Mayberry Machavellis' (that WAS one of the best phrases out of mainstream DC) decided they could use him as a front-man for their greed-based policies. Yeah, he had some vague ambitions, but if he hadn't of had the shadowy backers and his father's connections, he wouldn't have even been able to win the post of country dog-catcher!