The replacement for Bush meatpuppet Alberto Gonzales will face a tough go of it from Democrats, who say they'll reject any nominee who's got the White House fist up his ass.
"The first loyalty of the next attorney general must be to the law, not the president," said Sen. Russ Feingold, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.After the cut-and-run announcement from one of the most political and partisan AGs in history, republicans denounced what they called Democrats' political posturing.
"It is my hope that whomever [Squinty McStupid] selects, he or she is not subjected to the same poisonous partisanship that we've sadly grown accustomed to over the past eight months," pudfaced nincompoop Senator Mitch McConnell -- a member of the party responsible for the increase in poisonous partisanship in DC since the start of the Clinton administration -- said poisonously.

Sen. McConnell.
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