August 27, 2007

The Ever Moving Goalposts
As Awol McCodpiece mangles the English language while lying again explaining that the splurgeā„¢ is only in it's early stages, astonishing signs of normalcy and amazing progress are "already" evident in advance of General Betrayus The White House progress report propaganda whitewash on Reichwing Wankfest Holiday, September 11.
Saturday: Iraq: At least 23 killed as savage U.S. occupation continues

Sunday: At least 38 killed in yet another bloody day of U.S. occupation

US surge sees 600,000 more Iraqis abandon home

Just 9 or 10 years of this bullshit and you'll see real stability. And, of course, I really mean it THIS time when I say that I promise not to cum in your mouth.

~Undie Lib~

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