August 15, 2007

Gonzales to get power in death penalty cases
Jebus -- how safe do you feel with this Bush political hack being in control of the freaking death penalty?? This is just too fucking scary.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, under political siege for his handling of the U.S. attorney firings and other issues, is to get expanded powers to hasten death penalty cases under regulations being developed by the Bush Justice department.
Ummmmmm, Congress????


Anonymous said...

Don't fret, just vote for Hillary, she'll save ya.


Like I said: You think these criminals that committed the 9/11/01 domestic attacks are going to leave willingly?

Think again.

Anonymous said...

These assholes are ALSO setting PRECEDENTS - - even if we escape continued exposure to W and his crew (ie; if they slink back into the slime like Rumsfeld & Rove), the next administration, or the one after, is still going to have these laws on the books, and is (for instance) going to have the 'unitary presidency' precedent to confuse the public and justify his actions with. They've just corrupted the whole political atmosphere, and even IF reforms were to start today, it would probably take decades to undo the negative laws & rules they've instituted.